This week I will be posting about reading struggles in the classroom and how to develop better reading strategies for struggling students. Attached to this blog post, I have a project example of how to create lesson plans for a fairytale based lesson for advance students. I definitely have children who could use a challenge and sometimes using my own creativity and the inspiration of fairytale stories can help teach a variety of concepts to our students. I have used literature like:
"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" by L. Frank Baum
"Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens
and many more titles...
to help my students succeed in learning new vocabulary, creating grammatically correct sentences, and learning to use creativity in their writing.
**This was the first lesson plan that I created as a foreign language teacher. As I continued to work, I realized that lesson plans are wonderful, but when you work with little kids you can only expect the unexpected! This does not mean that you should review your materials or create lesson plans, but the more experience you have the better you will become at improvising when things start to fall apart in your classroom. Especially if you are working with children! But this is an article for another time....;) **
If you would like to use this lesson plan that I created, please feel free to use it. I am all for the sharing of ideas to create better work environments.
please tell me what you think of the lesson plan. Go through it and edit what you like and tell me what you think you would do differently! I am excited to hear your responses!
That is all for now! Bye :)