It can be tricky trying to come up with ideas for your own lesson plans. It is way easier to go with companies that design the lessons for you. I understand how convenient that is, and that having someone else decide what to teach for you, saves you bucket loads of time!
Why might this be not beneficial?
How could things go wrong?
Why does it matter if we are standardizing our learning methods online? Online to a platform that the majority of the world uses?
Online where people can be highly influenced?
What is wrong with this picture?
The same thing that is wrong with trying to shove a round peg into a square hole. It doesn't fit every student. The piece is not typically adjustable, and you don't have as much say as you may think in the student's learning process.
As stated in a previous article I wrote, we all have different ways of learning. Some people are more active, some like to use books (that's me), some like to watch videos. For some people, their intelligence in music is that of genius, while others are becoming the next Einstein.
I have gotten fed up with this idea that any one method is better than the other. That someone lays claim to certain teaching methods. That people advertise that their methods work 100% of the time, when this is clearly not true. How could it be if you are putting eight different kids with different genders, family cultures, personalities, societal cultures, backgrounds, histories into one classroom, and then expecting them all to learn perfectly from it.
It works for some people. This is true.
What about the rest of us?
Those of us who need to move?
Those of us who need to dance and sing?
Those of us who have very specified interests?
Why can't we develop lessons that are specified towards needs?
I have started working independently from companies to develop my own lesson ideas. I have to say that I am extremely proud and happy with my work. It is difficult to teach children from 4 to 6 years old online, but I have managed to do this.
Thorough planning.
Hard work.
I am attaching my lesson plan that I designed as a three month guide. This plan contains creative commons licensing.
I respectfully ask that it is only used as a guide for you to build your own lesson ideas and structures. As it was made for a specific student, please try to look at it as a learning opportunity.
Questions I asked to develop my lesson plan:
How did I specify the lesson?
What level is the student?
What is the target age group?
What phrases should I teach them?
What questions should I use?
Will I use reading development? How do I implement reading into the lesson?
How do I grow vocabulary?
How do I keep this interesting?
Every book and song used inside of the lesson plan has an author or creator written aside from them. I want to give credit to the people who created these books and they are examples of how we can use them in class.
Please enjoy the lesson plan and I hope this was a little helpful. Thank you, bye! :)